Hey Parents!

If you have a t(w)een who is

  • 11 to 14 years old

  • chatty and energetic

  • curious about food and cooking

Show them this right now!

Want to be famous?

Want to get in free to the internet's most popular tween cooking camp?

Apply to be my co-host!


Submit your application before Feb 28th, 2023 at 11:59pm (midnight) ET.

March Break runs March 13-17 from 4:30 - 6pm ET each day.

Click here for menu and logistics

What does a Camp Co-host do?

  • Cook along with me on 1 of the 5 days of Camp.

  • Ask questions.

  • Tell jokes (the cornier the better).

  • Keep me from getting too serious.

  • CO-HOSTS GET FREE TUITION plus a signed copy of my bestselling cookbook, Dinner, Uncomplicated

Fill in your info to get detailed audition instructions

Co-hosts get free tuition and a signed copy of my cookbook

Dinner, Uncomplicated

@ 2023 Claire Tansey's Kitchen